Yoga Therapy Retreats at The Ayurvedic Healing Village.

Kairali Yoga’s YogaTherapy programs present an excellent option for guests wishing to keep up an active process of self-healing long after they return home from their spa break. As the recipient of the Safari award for ‘Best Ayurvedic Center 2013’, Kairali’s reputation continues to soar and this is undoubtedly due to the long-term difference they have enacted on the lives of so many. Kairali’s Yoga Therapy programs are in-depth treatments in their own right, and represent the company’s determination to offer a full range of practical healing methods for the benefit of their guests.

What is Yoga Therapy?

Yoga Therapy programs at The Ayurvedic Healing Village incorporate all the traditional tools of Hatha Yoga to help guests manage a health ailment, or simply sustain all-round wellbeing. These tools include: asana (posture), pranayama (Yogic breathing techniques) and dhyana(meditation techniques). The approach is that of a carefully tailored physical Yoga sequence personalized to the individual, with direct physiological benefits according to their healing aims. Yoga Therapy is more than this, however; it works according to ancient Yogic principles by incorporating meditation and visualization to help form the mind-body connection. It is not to be seen as a purely ‘physical’ therapy, but as a treatment harnessing mind, body and spirit for the sake of wellbeing, always on the route of spiritual growth.

The Benefits of Yoga Therapy at The Ayurvedic Healing Village.

The use of Yoga for healing has a wide range of scientifically-proven success behind it. Yoga Therapy has been highly effective in treating chronic health conditions such as back pain, sciatica, diabetes, asthma, hypertension, high blood pressure and digestive disorders. With the multiple effects that Yoga can initiate in the nervous, hormonal and endocrine systems, it is no wonder that it is such a useful tool for these systemic conditions. Furthermore, Yoga Therapy represents the best of all natural cures for psychosomatic disorders, such as depression, anxiety and insomnia; offering a drug-free alternative with which to energize, or relax the mind. This method is the first place to look for lifestyle problems such as stress or weight-gain, as it can easily arrest such issues before they turn into a chronic disorder.

What can I expect from Yoga Therapy with Kairali Yoga?

Kairali Yoga’s Yoga Therapy programs begin with in-depth consultations with both our Ayurvedic doctor and expert Yoga Therapist. Our experts then consult with one another to define the best possible healing program for you. Their decisions incorporate any health or lifestyle problems you may have and define a route to solving to them, according to the healing aims you have expressed. Their approach is multi-disciplinary, utilizing Ayurveda theory and Yoga psychology as well as the knowledge gained from modern medical practice.

 Your Yoga Therapy program includes a daily schedule of Hatha Yoga, Ayurvedic oil massage and private Yoga Therapy, ending the day in peaceful unity with other retreat guests at our guided meditation session. This curative process, undertaken on the grounds of our harmonious retreat space, should bring about a sense of mental calm and physical ease with which to absorb the self-healing Yoga techniques you will learn with us. Whether you are seeking help with a chronic health problem, or simply a boost to your general wellbeing and flexibility,Kairali’s healing retreats give you the benefit of expert guidance, organic Ayurvedic cuisine and the beautiful tranquil environment of The Ayurvedic Healing Village.

For more information on Yoga Therapy Retreats at The Ayurvedic Healing Village, Kerala, India CLICK

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