A wonderful Article About The Healing Village by Wedding Vows magazine

The Wedding Vows magazine has published  a  wonderful  article  of Kairali- the Ayurvedic Healing Village. The writer Purva Bhatia recently visited our Ayurvedic HealingVillage in Palakkad and wrote a glowing review about her unique stay.
Wedding Vows is a National Magazine with its base in Chennai; it is a complete guide to the Indian wedding market. Wedding Vows isn’t merely a wedding magazine it is also about lifestyle. With an illustrious panel of experts on board from the fields of fashion, beauty, fitness and lifestyle the WV philosophy is simple—give the readers the very best of the best with no compromises. It is a matter of great pride for us  to be featured in this prominent magazine.

Kairali Healing Village in Palakkad, Kerala offers a healthy break with massages that de-stress, food that detoxifies and an environment that celebrates good health. Text and photographs by Purva Bhatia.

Picture this : waking up fresh early in the morning for yoga and doing the suryanamaskar(sun salutation) even as you witness nature painting the sky in myriad colours and then welcoming the rising sun. The breeze that touches you is unadulterated and the only noises you hear are of the trees swaying and birds chirping around. You then relax on a hammock for a while before you head for breakfast which includes fresh juice and healthy meals. You get Back to your room, which is a cottage-each distinct from the other. Then you walk around for a while and then get an Ayurvedic massage. Herbal tea and healthy food become your friends and you do nothing else but relax.
Would you consider such a wellness holiday? Before you answer that, consider this: A certain 92 years old gentleman from Mumbai has been visiting this resort in Kerala regularly for the last 12 years-he came once a year initially but now comes every few months. Similarly, a couple came for a retreat some years ago and paid for 14 years in advance so that they could keep coming back.
                To be honest, I wouldn’t have been thrilled to say yes to that question but just two days at the resort and I know why one would want to be here and in fact, make repeated visits here. It could be because of the pure, unadulterated air that circulates here. Or the invigorating encounter one has with the rising sun each morning. Perhaps, the warm hospitality radiated by each member of the staff-be it the owners or the old gardener who greets you with a big genuine smile every time he sees you. I guess it is the simplicity of life you experience, away from all the cacophonies of urban existence.

Don’t come here looking for a holiday where you indulge in sumptuous meals, skip mornings and party all night. Kairali Ayurvedic Healing Village is ideal for a discerning traveller, who appreciates health and wellness. You could be here looking to cure an ailment you’re suffering from, like arthritis, obesity, sinusitis, skin diseases et al or simply to detoxify and rejuvenate your senses.
Soon to get married patrons come for relaxation and go back with treatments(see box) that work wonders on their skin while married couples come for cleansing treatments before they start family planning.
While domestic tourists usually visit for skin treatments and arthritis, the place gets a lot of foreign visitors who mainly come for detoxification. The most popular therapy here is Panchkarma, a five-fold procedure that aims at overall prevention and fitness. “It is a rigorous therapy that requires a lot of self-control. Usually foreign visitors go for this therapy, which fine tunes not just the body and its organs but mind and thoughts as well,” says Abhilash KR, Director, Kairali Ayurvedic Group. ”Most Indians find this treatment extremely challenging,” he adds.

This brings us to discuss how Indians haven’t really woken up to the concept of health. “Not to generalize but broadly speaking we as a society haven’t started taking fitness seriously,” elaborates Abhilash. That’s true. Our friends jibe if we say we’re watching our weight. We prefer to take the car when we can just walk down. We join the gym and even pay the fee but aren’t regular because “there is too much work”. And, of course, we think one extra parantha and the chilly pizza does no harm.
The Ayurvedic life is a thing of past in our fast pacing world. We have forgotten the concept of ”science of life” that our ancestors discovered. The basic principles of this science deal with the natural way of living a healthy life.
According to Ayurveda, every human is a unique combination of the five elements and there are three vital forces of life, namely, vata (ether and air); pita (fire) and kapha (water and earth). A balance of these forces is said to be the solution for a fit and healthy body.
Working on this principle, Kairali offers treatments for various ailments under the guidance of Ayurveda qualified doctors; the chief being Dr. T. R. Chandrashekaran, who has been an Ayurvedicpractioner for over four decades. Talking about fitness and wellbeing, he stresses on the importance of looking inwards for a healthy living. “You must make taking care of yourself a habit. If you eat non-spicy, oil free food, you should not think of it as a sacrifice but relish it knowing the benefits it has for you,” says the doctor, who is said to detect your ailments by merely looking at you!
Since digestion is the foremost component of health, not only is the food served here simple vegetarian but the patrons are also told the recipes so that they can continue with the eating habits even after their stay here is over.

Founders KV Ramesh and Gita Ramesh started the place with an aim to create a place where one can recuperate from stress and even undergo a treatment while being on a holiday.
Located in a pollution-free environment, amidst paddy fields and palm and coconut trees, Kairali does a good job of taking you back to the nature. There are 30 exclusive villas, which are apparently designed as per the principles of VaastuShastra. Surrounded by lush foliage, these villas are allocated on the basis of your birth sign. Red oxide used in the flooring keeps the rooms naturally cool but there are air conditioners, just in case. Tooth powder replaces toothpaste and other toiletries too are free of chemicals.
Forgetting all sorts of stress seems to happen effortlessly here. Internet connectivity is purposely low here, encouraging you to cut off for a few days. However, there is wifi availability at the reception. The weather is conducive to let you adapt the lifestyle: you don’t feel like having milk tea even if you are a tea addict like me; you want to sleep early too. You get used to the pink hot water served in your cottage. Not just here, but in any of the household you visit in Palakkad Village in Kerala, the drinking water is of pink colour, which it gets from the herbs boiled in it. “You will have to ask for the regular water if you want. The herbal water is as much a part of their lives as a healthy lifestyle is,” informs Abhilash.
Kairali is all about celebrating health and happiness. It tells you that good health is not a destination but a journey. It can’t be about a target of losing 10 kgs or hitting the gym for 3 months; it is a lifestyle. Like the yoga instructor (also named) Abhilash said: “Yoga is not about doing just a few exercises. It is a complete way of living. It is about being at peace and being able to manage the stress in your life.”
t is about holistic living and making wholesome choices. I went to Kairali merely looking at the words ‘health’ and perhaps even ‘life’ quite differently.

Royal Makeover: For grooms and brides-to-be. Improves colour and complexion, blood flow and cleanses eyes.
Shirovasti: For insomnia, insanity and neurological diseases
Abhyangam: For mental stress, dryness of skin
Virechanam: For skin diseases and jaundice
KhadiKizhi, Kayasekan: For weight loss
AvagahaSwedam: For gynaecological disorders
•             Before sleeping watch your feet and apply ghee for a good night’s sleep.
•             Put oil for half an hour before head bath at least twice a week.
•             Cleanse your skin with raw milk to remove unseen dirt.
•             Eat on time and avoid afternoon sleep
3)            FACT FILE
Location: P.O.Olassery, Kodumbu, Palakkad, Kerala 678551; Ph: +91-9555156156
Climate: Summer – 20 to 36 degrees C; Winter- 16 to 32 degrees C
How to get there:
Air: Nearest airport is Coimbatore, about 60 kms away
Train: Nearest station is Palakkad Junction Stations, 5kms Away
Road: Well connected by moterable roads with major cities of Kerala and Tamil Nadu.

Published on: March 2014
Source: Wedding Vows Magazine

Summary: In its March 2014 issue the prestigious lifestyle magazine Wedding Vows recently published an wonderful article recounting the delightful experience the author had in Kairali- The Ayurvedic healing Village. She talks about the goodness of the Ayurvedic treatments that are offered here in this lovely resorts and also highlights the  location of the resort  in a pollution-free environment, amidst paddy fields and palm and coconut trees.

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